Immaculate Conception

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Part Number:BW-37

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Mother of Good Counsel,  Immaculate Conception merge as Saint Mary's

  Archbishop John A Floersh established Mother of Good Counsel Parish January 5, 1959, from the boundaries of St. Margaret Mary and St. Albert the Great Parishes.  About 100 families formed the new parish.  On February 1, 2959, Monsignor Joseph L Wheatley was appointed founding pastor.  Bollinger-Martin Developers donated the nine-acre property.

    In June 1960, Msgr. Wheatley and his parishioners broke ground for the church and school buildings that would cost $195,000.  The church was to have a seating capacity of 700 and a one-floor school containing ten class rooms, a faculty room, and principal's office.  A cafeteria was to adjoin the church.

    By October 10, 1960, enough classrooms had been competed to open the school.  The 180 enrolled students occupied eight classrooms and a spare room serves as a cafeteria where the students could eat a lunch they had brought from home.  Daily mass was celebrated in one of the classrooms.  By November the cafeteria was finished and an altar was set up each Sunday for Mass until the church was completed.  Midnight Mass, December 25, 1960, was the first celebration in the new church.  

    A 7th & 8th grade basketball team, coached by Mickey Kalbhin, earned the first athletic trophy for Mother of Good Counsel by winning the 1964 St. Joseph Christmas Tournament at the Washington Street gymnasium.  This would be the first of many athletic successes for the new parish.

    On July 27, 1965, ground was broken for the 6 new classrooms and library.  By October 10, 1965, the moving of the classrooms from Msgr. Wheatley's garage and the basement of the convent into the new annex was completed.  In September 1965 the enrollment had increased to 489 students and by the beginning to the 1966 school year 540 students were enrolled.

    The 1980's ushered in brand new era at Mother of Good Counsel:  New classrooms added,  Library was air conditioned,  Church received new lighting, sound system & carpet,  Stained glass windows added to church. New multi-purpose building later christened as Counsel   Hall (gymnasium)

 The Later Years:     In June 2005 Rev. William IF Medley was named pastor at MGC.  Father Medley was instrumental in the regionalization of Mother of Good Counsel and Immaculate Conception.  On June 1, 2007 Mother of Good Counsel officially closed.  Pending the completion of the new school, St. Mary Academy operated on two separate sites.

 Saint Mary Academy began the 2009-2010 school year at their new location in Norton Commons.

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